W Welcome

I am associate professor of digital humanities in the Department of Language and Information Sciences in Faculty of Arts at the University of Lausanne (UNIL) in Switzerland.
My main research interests these days concern the epistemology and methodology of computational methods in the humanities, in particular questions of modeling in general and uncertainty in particular. I also have a long-standing interest in document engineering.
Previously, I’ve worked on language technology for historical texts, interactive editing and authoring aids (LingURed), and e-learning platforms. I’m the author of the first text book on NLP for historical texts (published by Morgan & Claypool).
Before coming to Lausanne, I headed the Digital Humanities research group at the Leibniz Institute of European History in Mainz, Germany.
I received my doctoral degree in Computer Science in 2009 from Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany. My dissertation’s title is Document-Oriented E-Learning Components.
I also hold an M.A. in Computational Linguistics, English Philology, and Applied Linguistics from Friedrich–Alexander University Erlangen–Nuremberg, Germany. My master’s thesis is entitled NLP-Supported Full-Text Retrieval.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Piotrowski
Section des sciences du langage et de l'information
Quartier UNIL-Chamberonne
Bâtiment Anthropole
1015 Lausanne
+41 21 692 29 73
PGP Public Key (0x1614A044)
Blog: nlphist.hypotheses.org
Fediverse: @mxp@mastodon.acm.org