(Needs to be cleaned up…)
histHub Day Roundtable
On February 1st, 2019, I participated in the closing roundtable of
histHub Day, a
conference on the occasion of the completion of the first phase of the
histHub project.
COMHUM 2018 proceedings out now!
The [proceedings]() of the Workshop on Computational Methods in the
Humanities 2018 (COMHUM 2018)
have now been published on CEUR-WS.org
Talk at Freie Universität Berlin
In the context of the workshop “Im Spannungsfeld zwischen Tool-Building und Forschung auf Augenhöhe -- Informatik und die Digital Humanities” on September 25, 2018, I gave a lunch talk entitled “Digital Humanities: An Explication.” The paper is published in the workshop proceedings.
On June 4 and 5, 2018 we held the Workshop on Computational Methods in
the Humanities 2018 (COMHUM
2018) in Lausanne. Here’s the Book of
Abstracts, the proceedings are
Talk at UNC at Chapel-Hill
On 2018-02-02, I talked about “Historical Texts, NLP, and Formal Models” at nlp4arc 2018 at the University of North Carolina at Chapel-Hill
Talk in Mainz
On 2018-01-19, I gave a talk with the title “Accepting and Modeling Uncertainty” at the workshop “The Modeling of Doubt”---Key Ideas and Concepts for Graph-Based Modeling of Uncertainties at the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz.
MAS ALIS Lesson in Berne
In the context of the Master of Advanced Studies in Archival, Library and Information Science (MAS ALIS), jointly offered by the University of Berne and the University of Lausanne, I gave a lesson on 2018-01-05 entitled “Humanités numériques au delà de la numérisation.”
Talk in Amsterdam
On 2017-12-07, I gave a talk on the “Digitization of Historical Texts” at the workshop Reading Like a Human at the University of Amsterdam.
Talk in Lausanne
On 2017-11-13, I gave a talk entitled “Les humanités numériques et l'histoire” at the University of Lausanne (17:15--18:45, Anthropole 5196).
Talk in Mainz
On 2017-10-05, I gave a talk on “Formal Models in the Humanities” at the Second Literary Linguistics Conference in Mainz.
Talk in Brussels
On 2017-09-11, I gave a talk on “Historical Models and Serial Sources” at the workshop Digital approaches towards serial publications (18th--20th centuries) in Brussels.
Talk at Images and Texts Reproduced
On 2017-07-11, I talked about “Transcription as an Approach for Modeling Digitization” at the XI^th^ International IAWIS/AIERTI Conference Images and Texts Reproduced in Lausanne.
Talk at the dariahTeach Open Resources Conference
On 2017-03-23, I gave a talk entitled “History is the Future of Online Learning” at the dariahTeach Open Resources Conference in Lausanne.
Panel on virtual research environments at DHd 2017
- On 2017-02-16, I had the honor of moderating the panel “Virtuelle
- Forschungsplattformen im Vergleich” (comparing virtual research
- platforms) at DHd 2017 in Berne, the annual
- conference of DHd, the German-language digital
- humanities association.
:: {style="background: #4d4d4d; padding: 1ex 1ex 0 1ex; border-radius: 1ex;"} New Affiliation and Professorship
I am very happy to
- announce that I am, since February 1st, 2017, professor of digital
- humanities at the University of Lausanne. Lausanne is the Swiss
- digital humanities hot spot, and I am excited to be a part of it. See
- the official announcement
- (in French).
- ::
Invited talk at RWTH Aachen University
On 2016-07-04, I gave an invited talk on “Establishing Digital Humanities as Metascience for Computer-Based Humanities and Social Sciences” at RWTH Aachen University.
Invited talk at the University of Groningen
On 2016-06-10, I gave an invited talk on “Digital Humanities Defined Differently” the University of Groningen.
Invited talk in the Fred Jelinek Seminar Series
On 2016-04-04, I gave an invited talk at Charles University, Prague, in the Fred Jelinek Seminar Series on the topic of “The digital humanities---the 'computational linguistics' for the rest of the humanities?”
Uppsala Lectures on Language Technology and History
On 2016-03-04, I gave an invited talk at Uppsala University on “Digital Humanities, Computational Linguistics, and Natural Language Processing” in the Lectures on Language Technology and History.
CLARIN-D symposium at the Berlin--Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
On February 8, 2016, I gave an invited talk at the CLARIN-D symposium Digitale Geschichtswissenschaft -- Neue Tools für neue Fragen? with the title “Nachnutzbare digitale Korpora für die historische Forschung -- Potenziale, Probleme und Prozesse.”
Invited talk at the University of Lausanne
On 2016-02-04, I gave an invited talk on “Digital Humanities as a Metascience” at the University of Lausanne.
Invited talk at the University of Vienna
On 2016-01-23, I gave an invited talk at the University of Vienna, entitled “Knowledge Representation: A Key to Digital Historical Research.”
Talk at DARIAH-DE methods workshop
On November 20, 2015, I gave a talk entitled “Sprachtechnologie als Grundlage für die maschinelle Auswertung von Texten” at the DARIAH-DE methods workshop Quantitative Vorauswahl und Validierung für ein qualitatives Arbeiten in den Geisteswissenschaften: Ein iterativer Prozess? at the University of Bamberg.
Proceedings of SFCM 2015
As for the previous editions, the proceedings of SFCM
2015 are published by
Springer-Verlag as volume 537 in their Communications in Computer and
Information Science (CCIS) series.
SFCM 2015
SFCM 2015,
the Fourth International Workshop on Systems and Frameworks for
Computational Morphology, took take place on September 17--18, 2015, at
the Institute for Natural Language Processing (IMS), University of
Stuttgart, Germany.
Invited talk on Cosmobilities at LMU Munich
On July 15, Sarah Panter and I gave an invited talk entitled “Cosmobilities -- Neue historische Forschungsperspektiven durch die Integration digitaler Instrumente und Methoden” at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich.
DH and transnational history
At the workshop Digital Humanities and Transnational History at the Herder Institute in Marburg (May 7--8, 2015) I gave a talk (with Sarah Panter) on the Cosmobilities project.
DHd 2015
the DHd Annual Symposium 2015 in Graz
(March 25--27) I presented a poster on the Labeling
»Cosmobilities« -- Perspektiven, Herausforderungen, Synergien
At the Cosmobilities workshop on January 23--24, 2015, I gave a joint presentation with Tobias Gradl (University of Bamberg) on Cosmobilities as DARIAH-DE use case.
Open Humanities Award talk at DM2E Final Event
the DM2E Final
Event on
December 11, 2014, in Pisa, I gave talk about our project to turn the
Early Modern European Peace Treaties
Online into Linked Open Data, which
is funded by the Open Humanities Award I received in July.
Invited talk at HCAS Symposium
will give a talk on “Turning Historical Documents into Digital Data” at
the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced
Studies Symposium on Big
data approaches to intellectual and linguistic
history on December
1 and 2, 2014.
Editionen! Wozu? Wie? Und wie viele?
On November 7, 2014, I was a panelist at the conference Editionen! Wozu? Wie? Und wie viele? -- Zum Stand der historischen Edition in der Schweiz im digitalen Zeitalter (“Editions? Why? How? And how many? The historical edition in Switzerland in the digital age”) jointly organized by the Swiss Society of History, the Swiss Lawyers Society, the Law Sources Foundation, and Diplomatic Documents of Switzerland.
I contributed the pre-circulated paper for the panel “Der Streit um die Zugangsformen: Volltextsuche versus Thesauri” (“The debate about ways of accessing digital editions: full-text search vs. thesauri”). You find the abstract of all precirculated papers in a booklet.
Open Humanities Award
- I am happy to announce that I have won an Open Humanities Award to realize a project involving Early Modern Peace Treaties Online and Nanopublications. For the time being, please refer to the official announcement for more information.
Invited speaker at the workshop “Text als Werkstück”
On July 7, I spoke at the workshop Text als Werkstück: Wege zu einer computerunterstützten Überarbeitung, which was part of a series of events entitled “Deutsch 3.0” organized by the Goethe-Institut. For a summary of the event (in German), see the article Computerunterstützte Schreibassistenz kann Leben retten!.
Digital Humanities Day 2014 at the University of Mainz
On June 30, the Digital Humanities Tag 2014 took place at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. The overall topic was “Methoden, Technologien, Horizonte -- Impulse aus der Praxis” (methods, technologies, horizons---impulses from practice). I gave a talk entitled “Suchen, sortieren und vergleichen: Normdaten und kontrollierte Vokabulare für die historische Forschung” (searching, sorting, comparing: authority files and controlled vocabularies for historical research).
Invited talk at the University of Erlangen
On June 25, I talked about NLP for historical texts at my alma mater, Friedrich--Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg, specifically at the Professorship for Corpus Linguistics.
Digitization of archival sources
On May 26, I participated in the round table on digitizing of archival sources at the Archives School Marburg, University of applied studies for archival science.
Invited talk at Würzburg University
February 6, I talked about NLP for historical texts at the DARIAH-DE
Workshop “Introduction to the TXM Content Analysis
organized by the Department for Literary Computing, Würzburg University.
Invited talk at Trier University
November 21, I gave a talk on natural language processing for historical
texts in the colloquium Digital Humanities: Topics, Strategies and
at Trier University.
Tutorial at GSCL 2013
I gave a tutorial on
natural language processing for historical texts at GSCL
2013 in Darmstadt on
September 24, 2013.
I also wrote a short report (in German) on GSCL 2013 for DHd-blog.
Invited talk at ITUG Annual Meeting 2013 in Mainz
On September 16, I gave a talk on Controlled Vocabularies for the Digital Humanities at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the International TUSTEP Users Group, which took place from September 16 to 18 at the Academy of Sciences and Literature in Mainz.
SFCM 2013
On September 6, 2013, the Workshop on Systems and Frameworks for
Computational Morphology (SFCM) took place for the
third time. SFCM 2013 was hosted by the
Corpus Linguistics and Morphology
at the Department of German Language and Linguistics at
Humboldt-Universität in Berlin.
SFCM is a workshop series initiated and chaired by Cerstin Mahlow and me. The proceedings are published by Springer-Verlag in their CCIS series.
Talk at ICL19 in Geneva
On July 25, I gave
a talk entitled Towards Concept-Based Information Retrieval for
Historical Texts
at the 19^th^ International Congress of
Linguists (ICL) in Geneva.
Check out my blog at hypotheses.org. I
intend it as a “virtual extension” to the book Natural Language
Processing for Historical
Text, but I will
also discuss general issues relevant to the area of digital humanities.
Invited Talk at NoDaLiDa 2013 in Oslo
May 22, 2013 I gave an invited talk at the NoDaLiDa 2013 Workshop on
Computational Historical
Linguistics in
Invited Talk at IOS Workshop in Regensburg
On April 12, I gave a talk at the workshop E-Editionen: Neue Publikationsmaßstäbe für historische Quellenprojekte at the Institute for East and Southeast European Studies (IOS) in Regensburg. HSozUKult conference report (in German)
Invited Talk at HiCor workshop in Oxford
On March 1st, 2013 I gave a talk at the workshop of HiCor, a cross-disciplinary network for history and corpus linguistics (call for papers).
Out Now: Natural Language Processing for Historical Text
book Natural Language Processing for Historical
Text has been
published by Morgan & Claypool and is now available online and in print.
(October 2012)