R Research
Research Interests
- Cybernetics
- Digital humanities
- Document engineering
- Epistemology
- Formalization of scholarly discourse
- Formal thought in the humanities
- History and theory of digital humanities
- Modeling
- Natural language processing
- Analysis and Modelling of the Dissemination and Social Impacts of Scientific Preprints during Crises
CROSS (PI), Completed - Towards Computational Historiographical Modeling: Corpora and Concepts
SNSF project funding (PI), Running - Models of Musician Mobility and Migrating Musical Patterns
CROSS (PI), Completed - An Agile Approach Towards Computational Modeling of Historiographical Uncertainty
SNSF Spark (PI), Completed - Local Power Structures and Transnational Connections
SNSF Sinergia (project partner), Completed